Over the past three years we have been training to be church planters as missionaries through the SEND Network and NAMB. In 2022 we had undeniable direction from God to transplant our family from the Sierra Mountains and head to the Bay Area.
As Jason continued pursuing his MDiv at The Cornerstone Seminary we were taught how to do life in a young church, how to love and care for her people, how to pursue the logistical side of starting a non-profit organization, how to engage the community, how to share the vision of a church plant in Calistoga, and how to weave life and ministry as a young family.
We have gained many invaluable skills, several precious friendships, confidence in the areas Jesus has equipped us, and an even deeper trust that God’s plan for us is beautiful and right and perfect. These years have been deep and rich, and without them we would be unprepared for how Jesus is directing us today. He has been SO GOOD to lead us well, and we are blessed!
Jesus is directing us to pivot! We still love Calistoga and desire to see a church planted there, but Jesus has made it clear that He is now calling us out of the Napa Valley. Through much prayer and wise counsel we have assurance that we have accomplished everything Jesus has called our family to do here, and now He has more for us to do elsewhere. We trust that the church planting vision will be passed to someone who can take it even further, and we are grateful for how these last several years have trained and equipped us for what's next.
Jason has been invited to candidate at Grace Baptist Church in Eureka, and we will be spending the next few weeks gathering information and figuring out if this is where the Lord wants us. We’ll be up there to preach and answer questions on March 16th and 30th, and we trust that Jesus will make it obvious one way or the other by the time Jason’s position at Trinity ends April 30th.
We are so grateful to have you be a part of what Jesus is doing. Please continue to pray for discernment and peace, and that Jesus would continue to direct us clearly. We are working through logistics and finances and all the moving pieces that are involved. Please pray for our continued grace through the transition!